
Showing posts from January, 2022

Termux basics - Everything you know before start hacking.

Termux: linux emulator for android is a best ever thing to use as a pocket linux. The limits of exploring the acheivements with termux is far till eternity. In this post i'm going to demonstrate about the Basics of termux so without delay let's get started. apt update  -  To update list of upgradable packages of termux. apt upgrade  -  To upgrade all packages of termux. ls  -  list all files and directories/folders in current working directory mkdir [name]  -  creating directory/folder with name [name]. apt install [package name]  -  installation of a package. apt remove [package name]  -  Removing the package. clear  -  clear the terminal screen. cd ~  -  changing the directory to home directory. exit  -  For exiting termux.

Termux: Differences from linux

  Differences from Linux The environment setup in Termux is similar to that of a modern Linux distribution. However, running on Android implies several important differences. Termux is not FHS compliant This is why Termux does not use official Debian or Ubuntu packages for its environment. Termux does not follow  Filesystem Hierarchy Standard unlike majority of Linux distributions. You cannot find directories like /bin, /etc, /usr, /tmp and others at the usual locations. Thus, all programs must be patched and recompiled to meet requirements of the Termux environment otherwise they will not be able to find their configuration files or other data. You may have a problem executing scripts that have standard shebangs (e.g. #!/bin/sh). Use the  termux-fix-shebang  script to modify these files before executing. Recent versions of Termux provide a special package (termux-exec) which allows usage of standard she-bangs. Most packages have shared library dependencies...

what is Termux? a Linux emulator for android

Termux is a terminal emulator application enhanced with a large set of command line utilities ported to Android OS. The main goal is to bring the Linux command line experience to users of mobile devices with no rooting or other special setup required. How does it work The terminal emulator is basically an application that launches the command line program by using system call execve and redirecting standard input, output and error streams onto the display. Most terminal applications available on Android OS work with a very limited set of utilities which are usually provided either by the operating system or other rooting tools such as Magisk. We have decided to go further and port common software usually available on GNU/Linux systems to Android OS. Termux is neither a virtual machine nor any other kind of emulated or simulated environment. All provided packages are cross-compiled with Android NDK and only have compatibility patches to get them working on Android. The...

Flask vs Django. what to choose?

  Flask vs Django in 2022: Which Framework to Choose? Do you want to know which framework is better to use for web development, Flask vs Django? Many Python-based web frameworks enable developers to build scalable applications quickly. From simple to complex websites, these frameworks can do it all. Out of the many popular choices, Django vs Flask are the most talked about – and mostly because both are similar in some ways and different in many other ways! That leads to a comparison between both, and while each of these web development frameworks has its unique features, there are many factors you should look at before choosing one for your applications.  Django, on the one hand, is a full-stack web framework, whereas Flask is a light-weight, extensible framework. If you want to dig more into coding and learn core concepts, Flask helps you understand how each component from the back-end works to get a simple web application up and running. Django follows lo...

Linux vs Windows. comparison and best for you

Are you planning on buying a new PC? Do you wish to change your current operating system? Are you confused about whether Windows is better than Linux? Then this article is for you which is giving information and comparison between Linux vs Windows. Linux vs Windows is the age-old battle that has been deliberated upon for years now. It is important to stress that the ‘best’ operating system cannot have a single answer, as best really depends upon the requirements of the user. While we discuss the pros and cons of both systems, we hope to deliver a fair review on specific criteria. Difference between Linux and Windows But before we begin, let us get to know both the difference between Linux and Windows a little better. What is Windows Operating System? The Windows Operating System was first released in 1985 by Microsoft. It now boasts of the largest user base around the globe. With a series of updates over the years, every OS system comes with a unique graphical user interface...

top 5 operating systems

  What Is an Operating System (OS)? You’ve probably been involved in a “PC versus Mac” argument at some point in your life. Everyone seems to have very strong opinions on the subject, but what it really comes down to is personal preference in operating systems. Most people know that they like one or another but may not be able to pinpoint what they really prefer about them. They may say they like a particular command prompt, or they enjoy some pre-installed software, the look and feel of the hardware, the applications or systems they can download, or even the pre-installed web browser. But the reality is that the features of an OS aren’t immediately clear to most users. A resource to help users understand the different processing and interaction elements of their favorite OS helps it become easier to work with. Students (particularly online students), freelancers, contractors, and anyone who owns a phone, computer, or tablet...

Top 5 Programming languages for Web development in 2022

5 Best Programming Languages for Web Development in 2022 Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of the best programming languages for web development, In the order of their importance and popularity. Though, you don’t need to learn all of these programming languages, choose the one which you like and which meets your requirement. If you are stuck or get confused, choose JavaScript, as you can never get wrong with that. 1. JavaScript There is no doubt that JavaScript is the King of web development and probably the most popular language among web developers. It’s also the only language that allows you to create web applications, both frontend, and backend as well as mobile applications (React Native). The strength of Javascript is not just it can run on browser and server using Nodejs but also the awesome frameworks and libraries it has for web development and app development. For example, you can use React.js and Angular for frontend, Nodejs for backend, a...